Want to pre-order Pot Lunch: The Book?

All the best recipes from the blog and channel in one convenient little book

I wrote a book. 

I wrote a book right out in the open, in front of everyone. Slowly, over a few years, it’s been sitting here right under our noses. If you haven’t put two and two together yet, I have compiled, edited, and updated all of the best recipes from this very blog and assembled them in a cohesive order that will teach you how to go from decarboxylation to infused beer and gouda soup in an afternoon. 

While Pot Lunch remains on hiatus for the foreseeable future, I put this book together more for myself than anyone else. Still, I hope you also find helpful information within those pages. 

If you’d like to know when pre-orders open for the book, please fill out the form on this page. You will be the first to know how to place your order for Pot Lunch: The Book.