Local Dining

Reviews and recommendations for local food and dining in Colorado.

8 Flavors the Scream Summer to Me

Summer is my favorite time. I like lounging in the sun, letting the sweat bead up on me, and a cold glass of something sweet. I love the slow lazy days of summer.  I bet that is surprising because so many things about me say fall bitch, but no, I wait all year for days that make most people want to hide in a freezer. The only thing I am missing in my life right

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My 5 Favorite Shops in Downtown Colorado Springs

One of the things I worked on throughout the pandemic was shopping locally. From changing our Lowe’s trips to the locally franchised Ace Hardware to doing the bulk of our grocery shopping at the small butcher shop down the street and restricting our choices to what was in season locally. I wanted to do our best to keep as many dollars as locally as possible. It’s not always easy, but it has been very rewarding.

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8 Flavors the Scream Summer to Me

Summer is my favorite time. I like lounging in the sun, letting the sweat bead up on me, and a cold glass of something sweet. I love the slow lazy days of summer.  I bet that is surprising because so many things about me say fall bitch, but no, I wait all year for days that make most people want to hide in a freezer. The only thing I am missing in my life right

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My 5 Favorite Shops in Downtown Colorado Springs

One of the things I worked on throughout the pandemic was shopping locally. From changing our Lowe’s trips to the locally franchised Ace Hardware to doing the bulk of our grocery shopping at the small butcher shop down the street and restricting our choices to what was in season locally. I wanted to do our best to keep as many dollars as locally as possible. It’s not always easy, but it has been very rewarding.

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