
Can I be in a #squad?

I have to get something off my chest. It’s like… really hard to make friends as an adult. Especially if you’re an adult without kids and who doesn’t go into an office every day or have any co-workers. Most of the people I interact with in person are people who are serving me in some way (waitstaff at restaurants, delivery people, cashiers, the maintenance staff where I live, etc). And most of the people I

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The Best Fitness Apps, In My Opinion

In a previous blog post, I wrote that I wouldn’t share my specific diet or workout routine that I “followed” to lose 40 pounds and get healthy. I’m still not going to do that. However, I will share some of the tools that helped me stay focused on my goals, and track my progress. First, let’s talk about the apps that I love for the actual workouts. I have three apps I use in regular

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Moms on Weed

I’m not a mom, but I know some moms. And I definitely know a bunch more through friends and friends of friends. The mom network is never ending and it grows by the minute. I figured I’d take advantage of that network and ask a question that I’ve always wondered: what’s it’s like to be a mom who uses cannabis? Occasionally, I’ll put myself in those shoes and contemplate what it would be like. Ultimately

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Favorite Skincare Products for Oily Skin

I know I post on Instagram fairly regularly about my new found love of fitness, and the health journey I’ve been on over the last year or so. However, trying to be more healthy was not the only thing I was working towards in 2017. I was also working on my skincare routine (and some other shit too but we’ll get to that some other time). My skin has been on a roller coaster ride

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Why I’m Not Sharing My Diet and Workout Routine

When I began my fitness and health journey, I never expected that my friends (real and online) and family would look to me to lend advice. Yet, it happened. And at first I was like, “holy shit, this is so cool.” And then the anxiety set in, and I think rightfully so. Because what the fuck do I know? For most of my life, I only ate a literal handful of items. Cheese pizza, Kraft

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The 5 M’s in My Self-care Recipe

I have a lot of privilege in my life. I work from home. I have no kids. My husband and I are finally making a comfortable amount of money. The struggles of the past still nip at our heels, but I have real financial freedom for the first time in my life. I have a lot of flexible time to do (almost) whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want. I say all

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LOL, I love you

Oh, Valentine’s Day. You’re here, again. And tbh, like most years, I don’t give a fuck. I am very much of the mindset that, like most holidays, it’s stupid, but I am not here to shit on the day, or on anyone’s excitement. I do think all the pink and red decorating that one aisle in the grocery store is fun and warm. It is a nice way to break up the drudge of winter.

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Witch Crush Wednesday: To my fitness friends

“It’s been a few days, where’s your gym selfie, Lauren?” As I read my friend’s words via SnapChat, I was equally excited that my friend had noticed and horrified that someone was noticing. When I first began my health and weight loss voyage, I started tentatively posting gym selfies to my SnapChat story for accountability purposes. Why SnapChat? Because it was easy, for one, and two, because that is my smallest audience. I didn’t want

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SMART Goals Aren’t Just for Marketing

It’s a new year and that means we’ve all got a list of new goals to strive towards. Right? Maybe not necessarily new goals. Maybe you’ve just adjusted the goal posts for the goals you worked towards last year. I don’t participate in the New Year Resolution thing. I can appreciate the whole “new year, new beginnings” thing, but I don’t think you should postpone working on yourself or your life in the name of

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What I Learned By Losing 35 Pounds in 2017

It wasn’t that long ago that the idea of me being one of those “gym people” was laughable. Like, yeah fucking right I’m willingly going to the gym. Is there free weed and Hendrick’s Gin there? ‘Cause even then, LO-FUCKING-L. One day, not quite a year ago, my husband and I passed through the grocery store pharmacy and I saw one of those blood pressure machines and I ran to it with the glee of

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Can I be in a #squad?

I have to get something off my chest. It’s like… really hard to make friends as an adult. Especially if you’re an adult without kids and who doesn’t go into an office every day or have any co-workers. Most of the people I interact with in person are people who are serving me in some way (waitstaff at restaurants, delivery people, cashiers, the maintenance staff where I live, etc). And most of the people I

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The Best Fitness Apps, In My Opinion

In a previous blog post, I wrote that I wouldn’t share my specific diet or workout routine that I “followed” to lose 40 pounds and get healthy. I’m still not going to do that. However, I will share some of the tools that helped me stay focused on my goals, and track my progress. First, let’s talk about the apps that I love for the actual workouts. I have three apps I use in regular

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Moms on Weed

I’m not a mom, but I know some moms. And I definitely know a bunch more through friends and friends of friends. The mom network is never ending and it grows by the minute. I figured I’d take advantage of that network and ask a question that I’ve always wondered: what’s it’s like to be a mom who uses cannabis? Occasionally, I’ll put myself in those shoes and contemplate what it would be like. Ultimately

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Favorite Skincare Products for Oily Skin

I know I post on Instagram fairly regularly about my new found love of fitness, and the health journey I’ve been on over the last year or so. However, trying to be more healthy was not the only thing I was working towards in 2017. I was also working on my skincare routine (and some other shit too but we’ll get to that some other time). My skin has been on a roller coaster ride

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Why I’m Not Sharing My Diet and Workout Routine

When I began my fitness and health journey, I never expected that my friends (real and online) and family would look to me to lend advice. Yet, it happened. And at first I was like, “holy shit, this is so cool.” And then the anxiety set in, and I think rightfully so. Because what the fuck do I know? For most of my life, I only ate a literal handful of items. Cheese pizza, Kraft

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The 5 M’s in My Self-care Recipe

I have a lot of privilege in my life. I work from home. I have no kids. My husband and I are finally making a comfortable amount of money. The struggles of the past still nip at our heels, but I have real financial freedom for the first time in my life. I have a lot of flexible time to do (almost) whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want. I say all

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LOL, I love you

Oh, Valentine’s Day. You’re here, again. And tbh, like most years, I don’t give a fuck. I am very much of the mindset that, like most holidays, it’s stupid, but I am not here to shit on the day, or on anyone’s excitement. I do think all the pink and red decorating that one aisle in the grocery store is fun and warm. It is a nice way to break up the drudge of winter.

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Witch Crush Wednesday: To my fitness friends

“It’s been a few days, where’s your gym selfie, Lauren?” As I read my friend’s words via SnapChat, I was equally excited that my friend had noticed and horrified that someone was noticing. When I first began my health and weight loss voyage, I started tentatively posting gym selfies to my SnapChat story for accountability purposes. Why SnapChat? Because it was easy, for one, and two, because that is my smallest audience. I didn’t want

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SMART Goals Aren’t Just for Marketing

It’s a new year and that means we’ve all got a list of new goals to strive towards. Right? Maybe not necessarily new goals. Maybe you’ve just adjusted the goal posts for the goals you worked towards last year. I don’t participate in the New Year Resolution thing. I can appreciate the whole “new year, new beginnings” thing, but I don’t think you should postpone working on yourself or your life in the name of

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What I Learned By Losing 35 Pounds in 2017

It wasn’t that long ago that the idea of me being one of those “gym people” was laughable. Like, yeah fucking right I’m willingly going to the gym. Is there free weed and Hendrick’s Gin there? ‘Cause even then, LO-FUCKING-L. One day, not quite a year ago, my husband and I passed through the grocery store pharmacy and I saw one of those blood pressure machines and I ran to it with the glee of

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