
Thoughts on life, personal essays, reviews, art, media, and travel. If you’d like to see what else gives me life besides cannabis, this is the place.

An AI Family Movie Night (or 110 years of Film in 12 months)

Before I get into the reason for this post, a note: Pot Lunch isn’t coming back, and I’m more or less done with social media, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do what I initially loved about the internet: blog about dumb shit. So welcome to me blogging about dumb shit. Sometimes, that will be posts like today’s, and other times, that might mean recipes. I still like weed food. If you’re on the pre-order

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Pre-pre-order? Is that a thing?

I wrote a book. That makes it sound more impressive than it is. Let me try again. Over the course of a few years, I wrote many cannabis-infused recipes and articles right here on this website. If you’re a super fan (thank you; I love you), then you are probably very familiar with my work.  You’ve probably also noticed that I haven’t been cranking out content like I used to (or at all). There are

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I read “Time Magic” so you don’t have to

As I begin my journey into mid-life, I have found myself turning towards growth and overall health more and more. For me, part of health is making sure my mind is clear, I’m accomplishing goals, and I don’t feel overwhelmed while doing everything I want and need to do. So when I was browsing through new ebook releases in my local library’s catalog and saw a book promising to teach me to “reclaim [my] time,

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50 More Affirmations for Stoners

It has been a few years since my first version of 50 Positive Affirmations for Stoners in the New Year and I thought it was a good time to bring you 50 more. I did not go back and reread the original set so there may be duplicates. But I don’t want to find out how unclever I actually am. Feel free not to remind me.  So here are 50 NEW Affirmations for Cannabis Users

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Why I Use Cannabis Edibles

I have been a regular edible user for over a decade. Some weeks I use edibles every single day. Then there are stretches of weeks or months when I won’t touch them. I’m an intuitive cannabis user for the most part (although I’m working on finding out if there are patterns to that, more on that experiment is coming in the next few months.  And while I’ve posted dozens of recipes and various methods for

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Pros and Cons of Using an at-Home Potency Testing Device

Over a year ago, maybe even longer, I started using a handy little device called the tCheck (affiliate link, please use my code: justhilo for a lil discount). It’s a palm-sized device that allows you to check the potency of your infusions, raw flower, concentrates, you name it. I’m not afraid of a little math so I thought, “how useful could this thing even be?”  Turns out it’s pretty fucking useful. I test every infusion

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8 Flavors the Scream Summer to Me

Summer is my favorite time. I like lounging in the sun, letting the sweat bead up on me, and a cold glass of something sweet. I love the slow lazy days of summer.  I bet that is surprising because so many things about me say fall bitch, but no, I wait all year for days that make most people want to hide in a freezer. The only thing I am missing in my life right

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Tips for expanding your palate from a former picky eater

I wrote previously on this blog about how I used to be an incredibly picky eater. I mean painfully so. Especially for others around me. So selective that my husband still teases me now about what I got away with not eating as a child. My mom was highly lenient despite constant abuse from other adults who were not my parents.  You can read my thoughts on that in the other post linked here. That

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#54: Best Decarb Method

Earlier this year I kept seeing ads for a potency testing device. I saw the ads enough that I was finally like, ok, I’ll bite. Because who DOESN’T want to know how potent their homemade edibles are? That’s probably the biggest downfall of making edibles at home: not knowing precisely how potent or not your final product is.  I’ll be posting a longer review about the actual device in a couple of weeks, but in

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How to Maximize Your High for Cardio

I’m a daily cannabis user, and as of March 2017, a total treadmill and gym enthusiast. I know it probably sounds antithetical, to the uninformed, to be both a daily user and gym rat, but here I am. And I’m not alone.  Anecdotally, many cannabis-friendly folks have commented that getting high to workout can help you push harder, with less injury. I would testify to that myself, except I haven’t worked out sober since college

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An AI Family Movie Night (or 110 years of Film in 12 months)

Before I get into the reason for this post, a note: Pot Lunch isn’t coming back, and I’m more or less done with social media, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do what I initially loved about the internet: blog about dumb shit. So welcome to me blogging about dumb shit. Sometimes, that will be posts like today’s, and other times, that might mean recipes. I still like weed food. If you’re on the pre-order

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Pre-pre-order? Is that a thing?

I wrote a book. That makes it sound more impressive than it is. Let me try again. Over the course of a few years, I wrote many cannabis-infused recipes and articles right here on this website. If you’re a super fan (thank you; I love you), then you are probably very familiar with my work.  You’ve probably also noticed that I haven’t been cranking out content like I used to (or at all). There are

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I read “Time Magic” so you don’t have to

As I begin my journey into mid-life, I have found myself turning towards growth and overall health more and more. For me, part of health is making sure my mind is clear, I’m accomplishing goals, and I don’t feel overwhelmed while doing everything I want and need to do. So when I was browsing through new ebook releases in my local library’s catalog and saw a book promising to teach me to “reclaim [my] time,

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50 More Affirmations for Stoners

It has been a few years since my first version of 50 Positive Affirmations for Stoners in the New Year and I thought it was a good time to bring you 50 more. I did not go back and reread the original set so there may be duplicates. But I don’t want to find out how unclever I actually am. Feel free not to remind me.  So here are 50 NEW Affirmations for Cannabis Users

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Why I Use Cannabis Edibles

I have been a regular edible user for over a decade. Some weeks I use edibles every single day. Then there are stretches of weeks or months when I won’t touch them. I’m an intuitive cannabis user for the most part (although I’m working on finding out if there are patterns to that, more on that experiment is coming in the next few months.  And while I’ve posted dozens of recipes and various methods for

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Pros and Cons of Using an at-Home Potency Testing Device

Over a year ago, maybe even longer, I started using a handy little device called the tCheck (affiliate link, please use my code: justhilo for a lil discount). It’s a palm-sized device that allows you to check the potency of your infusions, raw flower, concentrates, you name it. I’m not afraid of a little math so I thought, “how useful could this thing even be?”  Turns out it’s pretty fucking useful. I test every infusion

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8 Flavors the Scream Summer to Me

Summer is my favorite time. I like lounging in the sun, letting the sweat bead up on me, and a cold glass of something sweet. I love the slow lazy days of summer.  I bet that is surprising because so many things about me say fall bitch, but no, I wait all year for days that make most people want to hide in a freezer. The only thing I am missing in my life right

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Tips for expanding your palate from a former picky eater

I wrote previously on this blog about how I used to be an incredibly picky eater. I mean painfully so. Especially for others around me. So selective that my husband still teases me now about what I got away with not eating as a child. My mom was highly lenient despite constant abuse from other adults who were not my parents.  You can read my thoughts on that in the other post linked here. That

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#54: Best Decarb Method

Earlier this year I kept seeing ads for a potency testing device. I saw the ads enough that I was finally like, ok, I’ll bite. Because who DOESN’T want to know how potent their homemade edibles are? That’s probably the biggest downfall of making edibles at home: not knowing precisely how potent or not your final product is.  I’ll be posting a longer review about the actual device in a couple of weeks, but in

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How to Maximize Your High for Cardio

I’m a daily cannabis user, and as of March 2017, a total treadmill and gym enthusiast. I know it probably sounds antithetical, to the uninformed, to be both a daily user and gym rat, but here I am. And I’m not alone.  Anecdotally, many cannabis-friendly folks have commented that getting high to workout can help you push harder, with less injury. I would testify to that myself, except I haven’t worked out sober since college

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